Welcome to AlpacaFi

A decentralized lending protocol built and developed on Alephium.

Get Started with AlpacaFi


Get instant loans by providing token collateral.


View and manage your loan positions.

A little about AlpacaFi Loans ...


$ npm run stats
Initializing AlpacaFi protocol...
Total Value Locked: $0.00
Active/Total Loans: .../...
Average Interest: ...%
Average Collateral Ratio: ...%
$ npm run network-info
Block Height: #...
Network Hashrate: ...
$ npm run health-check
System Status: Operational ✓
Network: Mainnet

What is AlpacaFi Loans?

AlpacaFi Loans is a decentralized peer-to-peer lending protocol built on Alephium. Create loan requests by specifying your desired token amount and providing other tokens as collateral.

How it Works

  • 1.Create a loan request by specifying the token amount you need and the tokens you'll provide as collateral.
  • 2.Other users can review and fund your loan request. Once funded, you'll receive your tokens instantly.
  • 3.Maintain a collateral ratio above 150% to keep your position healthy.
  • 4.When repaying your loan, a 7% fee is applied to the repayment amount to reward lenders on short loans.

Liquidation Process

  • If your collateral ratio falls below 150%, your position becomes eligible for liquidation.
  • Liquidators can trigger the liquidation process through the liquidation page.
  • Once liquidated, your collateral enters a 3-hour auction where users can bid to acquire it.